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Market Opportunity

Independent research conducted on behalf of Poolbeg confirms a >US$10 billion market opportunity for POLB 001 in cancer immunotherapy-induced CRS as an orally delivered preventative therapy.

An effective oral preventative therapy for cancer immunotherapy-induced CRS has the potential to significantly reduce direct costs in healthcare systems and improve patient access to these therapeutics, potentially including access to these therapies outside of specialist centres, augmenting wider market uptake.

Poolbeg recently announced promising in vivo results for POLB 001 in addressing cancer immunotherapy-induced CRS, where CRS clinical symptoms were significantly improved by administration of POLB 001. Dose dependent reductions were seen in all serum proinflammatory cytokines measured.

Monoclonal Antibodies

Bispecific Antibody and CAR T Therapy market expected to grow exponentially, similar to antibodies in the early 2000s

Bispecific Antibodies & Car T Therapies

1. Grand View Research. CAR T-Cell Therapy Market Analysis 2023-2030. 2. Grand View Research. Bispecific Antibodies Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report. 3. Datamonitor Healthcare. Forecast: Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma, 2023. 

Crs Preventative Therapy Icons 1

Cancer immunotherapies are used to treat a growing number of cancers, rapid advancements are being made in multiple myeloma (MM), diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and other cancers

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1st, 2nd and 3rd line+ MM and DLBCL patients in the US and EU5, receive CAR T cell and Bispecific Antibody therapy1

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An effective CRS preventative therapy could enable wider uptake of cancer immunotherapies beyond current forecasts due to potential for outpatient administration2

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Significant upside potential across additional haematological malignancies, solid tumours, and indications in separate therapeutic areas such as severe influenza

Addressable MM and DLBCL population by 2030 in the US and EU5

Crs Preventative Therapy Pie Chart

Estimate encompasses solely MM and DLBCL due to the rapid advancements in BsAb and CAR T treatment for these indications

ALL, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia; BsAb, Bispecific Antibody; CAR T, Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell therapy; CRS, Cytokine Release Syndrome; DLBCL, Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma; MM, Multiple Myeloma​

1. Datamonitor Healthcare. Forecast: Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma, 2023. 2. Hansen DK et al, Cancers (Basel). 2023. 7;15(24):5746.

Strong Patent Portfolio

  • Oncology patent applications first filed in 2023, with potential for protection out to at least 2043; in vivo animal data enhances & facilitates expansion of patent applications.
  • Granted patents for severe influenza which provide protection until at least 2038.

CRS is anticipated to create a treatment “Bottleneck”

Effective prevention of CRS by POLB 001 may enable a broader and safer delivery of cancer immunotherapies 

  • Current treatments with Bispecific Antibodies are administered on an in-patient basis, largely due to the risk of CRS in the hours and days following treatment
  • CRS is a potentially life-threatening condition which requires monitoring by trained and adequately resourced healthcare professionals so that the symptoms can be recognised early
  • Severe CRS requires intensive medical care, mild CRS prolongs hospital stays until it resolves

The risk of CRS limits the potential to administer cancer immunotherapies more broadly, outside of cancer centres, and the direct costs of managing CRS is estimated to create a significant additional financial burden on health systems

Crs Creating A Bottleneck

Key Opinion Leaders Supportive of POLB 001’s Significant Potential

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POLB 001 Scientific & Supporting Data

Potent and Selective Inhibition of p38 MAPK Signaling

Reduced Key Inflammatory Cytokines Following LPS Challenge

Reduced Key Indicators of LPS-Induced Systemic Inflammation

POLB 001 Media & Presentations

POLB 001 Update January 2024

POLB 001 Update November 2023

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